
Unite, Grow, Earn

SLEX Family Affiliate Program!

Join the profitable SLEX Affiliate Program today! By partnering with us, you'll have the opportunity to earn a significant 50% share of SLEX's total profit. Not only will you benefit financially, but you'll also be aligned with a product known for its strength and reliability.

social benefits

Attention and Recognition

Dive into the best crypto community with the SLEX family – a collective of visionary individuals shaping the future and making waves in the social landscape. Venture into the trading arena, gain prestige and earn money with your new friends by boosting your earnings with the best crypto and referral programs.

Craving media acclaim? Team up with us! Elevate your personal brand, flaunt your pioneering ventures in the blockchain financial domain, and secure your spot in major news stories. Transform the game, become the talk of the town, and thrive with SLEX!


Attention from
Crypto Media


Extra Profit


Community Respects & Recognition


financial benefits

For Family Members

Being a member of the SLEX Crypto Affiliate Program, you secure a generous slice of the pie, taking away half of SLEX's total profit. Your Family link ensures that every user you bring on board contributes to your earnings perpetually. There's no ceiling, and with no expiration date on this offer, it truly means endless earning potential, celebrating our commitment to mutual growth and continuous prosperity.

How it Works?


Spread the words Make Impact

Make a post with a personal affiliate link to explain and provide credibility, why to try SLEX, and how your friends will benefit. Or you can just be intrigued to try.


Motivate to Register

Explain your subscribers benefits to register with your affiliate link.


Motivate to try & use SLEX CEX

Show up on SLEX trading Strategies and blog to go deeper into crypto trading if your friends are not experienced traders.


Get your Family Profit

Family affiliate members will get 50% of SLEX profit from their friends & community.


Actions that Generate
a Family Profit

When Customers




Buy Crypto

Trade Crypto

Invest in Launchpad

Refer my Friends


Use Trading AI and Algorithms

Bring new Project to listing



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You're either a crypto educator or a recognized crypto influencer.


If you have a community or even just 1000+ followers.


You're involved in affiliate marketing and are skilled at raising awareness.


3 Easy Steps

How to Become a Family Member



Fill out our form in just 5 minutes
and we'll get back to you
within 24 hours.



Personalize and share your unique
affiliate invitation link with friends
and followers.


Earn Rewards

Rake in commissions of up to 50%. If your referral becomes an Affiliate too, you'll earn an additional 10% and there's more to gain!


Join SLEX Family

Invite your friend join SLEX Family and get special conditions for your community

No KYC up to 15,000 USD

  1. How to join the SLEX Family?To initiate your journey with the SLEX Family, please fill out our application form. If you're looking to get things moving even faster, reach out directly to one of our admins in the chat, and they might help accelerate your review. During this review process, we your account data to be sure you are a real person.
  2. What’s benefits for SLEX Family Members?Being a SLEX Family Member comes with a plethora of benefits tailored just for you. On the social front, members gain exclusive bonuses that heighten their visibility and recognition in the community. Financially, members enjoy an elevated referral percentage that doesn't just stop there – it can further increase during special events, even if it's for a limited time. Plus, there are bespoke experiences to look forward to! We frequently organize unique events covering a range of shopping and entertainment options. Not to mention, you'll get exclusive access to AMA sessions, chats, and a host of other offerings. It's truly an enriched experience being a part of the SLEX Family!
  3. What are the responsibilities of SLEX Family members?SLEX Family members have a pivotal role in the growth and betterment of our platform. Firstly, they are entrusted with the task of amplifying the reach of SLEX announcements by sharing our announcements and posts. They also play an ambassadorial role by inviting individuals to join and register on SLEX. Beyond promotion, their responsibilities extend to collaboration – conducting joint trading sessions and other key events. Furthermore, their feedback is invaluable to us. By sharing their user experiences and insights, they contribute significantly to the continuous development and refinement of SLEX. They truly act as bridges between our platform and the wider community.