
ApeCoin (APE)

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ApeCoin (APE) Price Real Time-Data

The live price of ApeCoin (APE) is $0.71 with a 24-hour trading volume of $121.14M. Its 24-hour peak value is $0.73, and its 24-hour low is $0.68. The current circulating supply is 752.65M APE, out of a maximum of 1B APE, leading to a fully diluted market capitalization of $540.86M. ApeCoin (APE) to USD price is updated in real-time.

What is ApeCoin (APE)?

ApeCoin (APE) is an ERC-20 token used within the APE Ecosystem. It functions as a governance and utility token, allowing holders to participate in the decentralized governance of the ApeCoin DAO and access exclusive ecosystem features.
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Learn more about ApeCoin (APE)


Who are the founders of ApeCoin (APE)?
ApeCoin was inspired by Yuga Labs' Bored Ape Yacht Club and launched to support the APE Ecosystem. The project is governed by the ApeCoin DAO, supported by the APE Foundation.
How many ApeCoin (APE) are there?
The total supply of ApeCoin is fixed at 1 billion tokens. Initially, 30.25% of the tokens were in circulation, with more released at regular intervals over 48 months.
What are the potential use cases for ApeCoin (APE)?
ApeCoin can be used for governance, accessing exclusive games and services within the APE Ecosystem, participating in community votes, and integrating into third-party projects.
What is the history of ApeCoin (APE)?
Launched on March 17, 2022, ApeCoin was created to empower the APE Ecosystem and provide a decentralized way for the community to govern and support various initiatives.
How Is the ApeCoin (APE) Network Secured?
ApeCoin is secured by the Ethereum blockchain, utilizing its proof-of-work (PoW) consensus mechanism to ensure transaction integrity and security.
What can you do with your ApeCoin (APE)?
You can use ApeCoin to participate in governance, access exclusive content and games, trade on various exchanges, and integrate it into other projects and services within the APE Ecosystem.
Where to buy ApeCoin (APE)?
ApeCoin can be purchased on numerous exchanges, including decentralized platforms like SushiSwap and top centralized exchanges.
What is the price of ApeCoin (APE) in USD and BRL?
As of now, 1 APE is approximately 3.15 BRL. For the latest USD price, it is best to check real-time updates on cryptocurrency exchanges.