
Kabosu (KABOSU)

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Kabosu (KABOSU) Price Real Time-Data

The live price of Kabosu (KABOSU) is $0.0000000029 with a 24-hour trading volume of $54.70656624. The maximum is 1 KABOSU. Kabosu (KABOSU) to USD price is updated in real-time.

What is Kabosu (KABOSU)?

Kabosu (KABOSU) is a community-driven charity cryptocurrency that aims to support animal welfare. Named after the famous Shiba Inu, it redistributes 5% of each transaction to holders and locks another 5% in the liquidity pool, ensuring stability and rewarding investors.
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Learn more about Kabosu (KABOSU)


Who are the founders of Kabosu (KABOSU)?
Kabosu (KABOSU) was inspired by the story of the Shiba Inu named Kabosu. Specific founder details are not provided, but the project collaborates with various animal welfare organizations.
How many Kabosu (KABOSU) are there?
Kabosu (KABOSU) has a maximum supply of 100 trillion tokens.
What are the potential use cases for Kabosu (KABOSU)?
Kabosu (KABOSU) is used for charitable donations to dog welfare organizations, trading on crypto exchanges, and providing passive income to holders through its unique redistribution mechanism.
What is the history of Kabosu (KABOSU)?
Kabosu (KABOSU) was created to honor the Shiba Inu Kabosu, the face of the Doge meme, by supporting dog charities. It partners with organizations like The Man That Rescues Dogs and Paws With Cause, aiming to make a positive impact through cryptocurrency.