
Elastic BNB (XBN)

Stay updated on Elastic BNB (XBN) with real-time charts and market updates. Gain insights into the cryptocurrency market, learn trading techniques, and navigate the dynamic world of digital finance effortlessly.

Elastic BNB (XBN) Price Real Time-Data

Elastic BNB (XBN) 24-hour trading volume of $1.86867819.The maximum supply is 6.5M XBN. The Elastic BNB (XBN) to USD price is updated in real-time.

What is Elastic BNB (XBN)?

Elastic BNB (XBN) powers innovations on Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) Networks, aiding meme coin holders in wealth creation through DeFi and GameFi technologies.
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Learn more about Elastic BNB (XBN)


Who are the founders of Elastic BNB (XBN)?
XBN's team comprises 20+ anonymous members with extensive backgrounds in coding, private equity, digital media, and operation. They ventured into the crypto space in 2011, aiming to create wealth for token holders.
How many Elastic BNB (XBN) are there?
XBN offers various rewards and bonuses for token holders, including weekly 1% rewards in XBN or BUSD without staking, and liquidity pool farming. The emission process captures short-term trader value and redistributes it to holders.
What are the potential use cases for Elastic BNB (XBN)?
XBN holders can utilize the token to swap in-game currency in CryptoWar, earn weekly rewards, provide liquidity in pools, and participate in various high-yield opportunities.
What is the history of Elastic BNB (XBN)?
XBN emerged in 2021 as a means to revolutionize the DeFi and GameFi sectors. With features like passive income and migration rewards, XBN aims to empower holders to accumulate wealth and benefit from future projects tied to the token.